Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The "Sixth Sense"

I am like most people when it comes to the "sixth sense", psychic abilities, and intuition...I feel as though I have none. Occasionally I will have a weird moment where I will finish someones's sentence, or think of someone I haven't heard from in a while and see them the next day, but for the most part, I'm too engrossed in the physical world. This isn't how I want it to be.

My belief is that everyone has the ability to be psychic/intuitive and to cultivate these gifts to help live a better and more spiritual life. It's not just about knowing in advance when to act or not act on certain things, but also how to connect with your higher self and become a better human being; how to use your creative power for the good, instead of harboring negative, fearful energy. Our world is all about energy, even though it is unseen. There is no doubt that millions of negative, fearful people who are disconnected from Spirit are creating all the bad things that happen in the world and in their own personal lives. I for one certainly don't want to continue wandering in the dark throughout life anymore.