Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Psychic Insight

On Monday I had a free reading with a psychic.  I have had readings before but just thought I would post this one.  My comments are under "Me" and we'll call the psychic "Jane"

Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:32AM] : Hello 
Me [*Oct 26 2009 10:32AM] : hi
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:32AM] : how can I help you today?
Me [*Oct 26 2009 10:33AM] : the first thing i wanted to ask is why do i have OCD?
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:33AM] : wow...big question
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:33AM] : first...the general answer...then we get specific
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:33AM] : k
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:33AM] : any malfunction.....or challenge is about learning
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:34AM] : so your spirit is using this...to help you to overcome something
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:34AM] : in the case of OCD....it's most often about fear and what I look at in this case
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:34AM] : would be if you are energetically grounded
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:35AM] : you are...but not solidly
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:35AM] : meaning
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:35AM] : you probably feel edgy and confused alot
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:35AM] : ya
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:35AM] : so, do you understand what it means to be ungrounded?
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:35AM] : yes
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:36AM] : and have you done anything to heal that?
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:36AM] : not really
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:36AM] : its hard for me
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:36AM] : it's your first step....and the most important one to dealing with OCD
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:36AM] : if you have been tackling it pyschologically
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:36AM] : it probably helps only sometimes
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:37AM] : since energetically...your body is not "tethered" well to the earth
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:37AM] : so it's going to set off fear
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:37AM] : does that make sense?
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:37AM] : yes
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:37AM] : so, I would suggest a dual approach
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:38AM] : get really well grounded.....work on that seriously and makes some changes so you stay that way
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:38AM] : then add the tools you like for handling your thoughts
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:38AM] : but if you stay grounded, the thoughts will relax alot on their own
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:38AM] : good!!
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:38AM] : since you aren't dealing with a nervous body anymore
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:38AM] : true the meds helped with that
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:38AM] : I assume you want this advice? your first question just asked why
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:39AM] : ahhh..and what meds are you taking?
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:39AM] : took luvox, now prozac
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:39AM] : okay...they can certainly take the edge off
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:39AM] : but would you like to end the problem?
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:40AM] : yes, but really i want to focus on developing my psychic abilities right now and the ocd gets in the way big time
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:40AM] : just the thoughts really
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:40AM] : oh sure it does....because receiving psychic impressions can be really scary if you are ungrounded
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:40AM] : they wouldn't make sense
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:41AM] : so, think of it this way...bringing energy down to your feet
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:41AM] : and then attaching...literally to the planet is what you will need
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:42AM] : ok
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:42AM] : I often see healers and light workers who are hampered by not being grounded
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:42AM] : we love the lighter and faster vibrations
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:42AM] : and have had trouble staying IN the body
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:42AM] : so, may ways to do this....try them all and pick what works for you
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:42AM] : ok cool
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:43AM] : i have
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:43AM] : a few
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:43AM] : other questions
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:43AM] : easiest....is to rub your bare feet alot
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:43AM] : oh okay...did you want to hit the other questions first?
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:43AM] : then I can list the grounding techniques
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:43AM] : 1. do i have any specific psychic gifts?
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:44AM] : specifically.....you are good at hands on healing
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:44AM] : which could play out in many ways
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:44AM] : like massage therapy....reiki healing
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:44AM] : you have a very powerful tough
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:45AM] : sorry...touch
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:45AM] : alot of power moves thru your hands
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:45AM] : but you can....do all kinds of things
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:45AM] : you are also good at remote viewing
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:45AM] : and picking up on guides, angels etc
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:46AM] : doing tarot or reading with tools would likely be boring for you
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:46AM] : lol
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:47AM] : you are quicker....you move energy by vibration as opposed to using a tool
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:47AM] : what's funny?
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:47AM] : i tried tarot. couldnt comprehend
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:47AM] : well, some of that might be due to not being grounded...but
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:48AM] : I just don't see you enjoying that kind of work
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:48AM] : ok
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:48AM] : you need something faster
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:48AM] : more questions?
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:48AM] : umm
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:48AM] : some times
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:48AM] : i get
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:48AM] : this bad feeling when i wake up from a nap that
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:48AM] : i am not real that life is not real
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:48AM] : and that i am just here waiting for it to end
Me   [*Oct 26 2009 10:49AM] : i goes away but i dont like it
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:49AM] : well, it's not.......but you are probably missing the point
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:49AM] : in sleep...the spirit leaves the body
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:49AM] : so you are essentially playing in the REAL world while your body rests
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:49AM] : and coming back in suddenly , (which happens with naps)
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:50AM] : can jolt sensitive people alot
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:50AM] : the feeling ...this isn't real
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:50AM] : is because you bring back the knowledge that this life is transitory
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:50AM] : that life in the body is temporary
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:50AM] : but it's real in the sense that you are choosing to be here for awhile
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:51AM] : ok
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:51AM] : kind of a hangover.....those naps take you out fast and bring you back sometimes too quickly
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:51AM] : so you get confused
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:51AM] : i see
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:51AM] : but again...getting grounded...feeling SAFE here
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:52AM] : your body feeling safe and connected
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:52AM] : will end most of that feeling
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:52AM] : ok
Me   [*Oct 26 2009 10:53AM] : i guess my other question would be can you tell me of any guides
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:53AM] : that
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:53AM] : i connect with
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:53AM] : two that I can see right now
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:53AM] : one....big presence behind you and to your right
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:53AM] : it's yellow and blue
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:53AM] : do you visualize color well?
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:54AM] : i think so
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:54AM] : okay...use the color to connect
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:54AM] : more blue than yellow
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:54AM] : the yellow is near the top
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:54AM] : and that's your main guardian there
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:54AM] : always there
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:54AM] : about five feet behind and to the right
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:54AM] : start talking directly TO her
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:55AM] : not actually a female....but she feels feminine
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:55AM] : ask her stuff
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:55AM] : visualize the colors and listen in your heart
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:55AM] : it will feel stupid at first
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:55AM] : it does for all of us
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:56AM] : but then after a week or so....it will feel really solid
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:56AM] : ok
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:56AM] : and you will begin to feel her back there
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:56AM] : the other one is small....like an orb
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:56AM] : clear turquoise
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:56AM] : that's always a sign to ME...of a psychic teacher
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:56AM] : that one is floating around you ....no particular place
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:57AM] : like a bubble
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:57AM] : now, when you want to learn to be grounded....call that color orb to you
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:57AM] : the more you use it...the stronger it gets
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:57AM] : you can name them if that helps
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:57AM] : they don't care what you name them.....but it helps YOU to feel connected to the vibration
Me [*Oct 26 2009 10:57AM] : ok
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:58AM] : you have others...but those are the two most obvious today
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 10:58AM] : so if i get better grounded i can open my psychic abiliites and connect with them better?
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:58AM] : OH YES
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:58AM] : if you open it all up without grounding
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:58AM] : you will scare yourself
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:59AM] : so, now rub your feet alot
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:59AM] : it encourages energy to flow all the way down the body
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 10:59AM] : visualize wearing heavy boots
Me   [*Oct 26 2009 10:59AM] : i hope it makes the OCD fall into the background. i REALLY want to open my psychic channels
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 11:00AM] : eat protein.....if all else fails...because it causes the body to slow down and grounding is easier
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 11:00AM] : ok
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 11:00AM] : visualize a rope or chain from your pelvis going deep into the earth and connecting to a rock
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 11:00AM] : walk barefoot whenever you can on grass or sand
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 11:00AM] : and start doing energy work
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 11:01AM] : so you get used to sensing your energetic flow
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 11:01AM] : and making sure it's in your feet
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 11:01AM] : another tip
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 11:01AM] : what color is in your head right now?? if you would imagine a color there
Me   [*Oct 26 2009 11:01AM] : im not sure! LOL
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 11:02AM] : just the first thing that comes to you
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 11:02AM] : blue
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 11:02AM] : okay...now move the blue down to your throat
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 11:02AM] : got it?
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 11:02AM] : yes
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 11:02AM] : now down to your heart
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 11:03AM] : did the color change?
Me   [*Oct 26 2009 11:03AM] : i think so
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 11:03AM] : practice that one
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 11:03AM] : it will help you to get busy thoughts out of your head
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 11:03AM] : ok perfect
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 11:03AM] : and there are no wrong answers on the colors
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 11:03AM] : we are out of time....but I'm so pleased to have met you
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 11:03AM] : me too
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 11:03AM] : thank you so much you are awesome
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 11:03AM] : and I know you will do well with this
Me [*Oct 26 2009 11:04AM] : thanks
Jane [*Oct 26 2009 11:04AM] : blessings!
Me  [*Oct 26 2009 11:04AM] : you too :)


Dayne Gingrich said...

Explain "grounding" to me.

sahasrara said...

here are 2 links that may help.

