My cell phone has been quiet for the past 2 months. I finally got the debt collectors off my back. I am slowly but surely digging myself out of the hole I created from financial irresponsibility. It's sad how my laziness and unwillingness to work put me in such a position. Now I have to work even harder. My credit is so bad that I can't even get a peer to peer loan on Prosper!! I shouldn't have been so careless.
The key here would be to change my habits; change my thought patterns about this situation. In psychic Sonia Choquette's books, she mentions how we are co-creators with the Universe (hmm, I'm thinking I ignored any spiritual warnings, and created this all on my own...). The most important part of creating would be the unconscious mind and the beliefs we carry. At this moment in time, my beliefs definitely contribute to my lack of funds. Will I have enough for this month? I hate always being broke! Am I always going to be struggling? It's safe to say that maybe all these thoughts are not helping my efforts.
I have already changed my physical actions from ignoring payment due dates and being sent to collections from lack of money, to working more hours and setting up payment plans so I can prevent further deliquencies and reduce my debt more. So here's the experiment...I will begin to think differently about my money situation and try to attract money towards me. Instead of being upset that I send my whole check away I will envision myself prospering. It's basic Law of Attraction principles. Updates to follow on this...
Thanks for the visit to coachyourmind... much appreciated!
I'm definitely going to be reading more~ sounds like you're on your way to "creating new..." I
I hope you get a chance to read the last few posts I wrote... actually speaks directly to you.
I'm not sure the Law of Attraction works, but I've had a couple of good experiences with it. Let me know if this works for you -- it sounds like a great idea:-)
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